Dear readers and forum members:
Due to the demands of a new project I must suspend our forum activity. I am so sorry.
I wish you all the very best, always.
Total posts 27558Total topics 7344Total members 174358Our newest member amyfg18
Relationship Advice Forum
7528Topics27342PostsWelcome to April Masini! My relationship advice forum is where readers find honest answers to the questions they have, but can't find answers to anywhere else.
Dear readers and forum members: Due to the demands of a new project I must suspend our forum activity. I am so sorry. I wish you all the very best, always.
Due to overwhelming demands, April now offers three forum memberships. Premium RUSH! and Premium PRIVATE membership questions will receive priority and April will answer those questions first. Standard forum membership questions will be answered in the order in which they are received.
All questions and comments posted on this forum become the property of Confidentiality is protected, however your post and account cannot be edited or deleted once it has gone live on the forum. No exceptions.
Premium RUSH! Response
One RUSH! Response - one time fee. When you need the answer to your question FAST!
Premium PRIVATE Advice Forum
When privacy matters. Now you can ask April your question, and get her response, in complete privacy. Your question will never be displayed publicly. Only April will read it, and only April will answer it.
ATTENTION! If your situation is life threatening, immediately call the free, 24-hour, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.7344 Topics
27558 Posts