I met an Arab guy weve been working together, helping each other, having fun. I felt like i can trust him and he felt the same way... everything just as friends cause I always knew he has a wife and a kid back home.
Then I left the job and the country and just got back a while ago. We went out few times and had wonderful time, I felt his eyes on me, when he was looking at me at restaurant , he just seemed to be happy , you knwo what look he gave me, i also felt great. And I was happy as well. Then i realised that I felt in love with him. Everytime we go out he is just happy to see me , keeps telling it to me, but still nothing happened and im happy for this nothing is clear between us and he has a family as We know. We only hug and enjoy every moment we are alone.
When we are talking about everything, he said something like he married that girl when he was in love but now they are together because of a kid. They are both living back home and he said he want them to get there but is doing nothing to get them here. He has got citizenship here work, house etc. But generally he is not very opened about his wife. Most of times he just says theyve got problems.
He keeps telling me that Im his best friend how he is happy with me and that he loves me.. then he keeps telling me how cute would be our kids.... and this is something what gives me a hope like maybe its not just me, maybe he also do like me more than just a friend.
does he like me, and what about his family? Is it common to divorce in arabic families? so please help me to see things a bit more clearly.
Re: In love with a muslim man, is he as well?
#2This has nothing to do with his being Arab or Muslim.... you're kind of missing the point here. He's married and has a child with his wife. That's what you need to focus on.
He could be from any country in the world, and practice any religion and that wouldn't change the operative factor here: He's married and you're falling for him. If he was single, none of this would be an issue. But he's not. The ball is in your court here and you get to decide what happens next. If you want to date him, knowing he's married and is not divorcing his wife, then you're free to do so. But don't pull the wool over your own eyes.
He may tell you the two of you would have beautiful babies together, and that you're his best friend, but that doesn't change the bottom line here. If you want a relationship that leads to marriage, your best strategy is to date someone who's single and interested in the same relationship goals.
I know this tough for you, and he flew under the radar because you met him at work, where lots of people meet relationship partners, but you have the responsibility to take care of yourself, and if you want to date a married man, he's your guy. If you want to date a single man who is interested in marriage, then he's not. Don't try to distance yourself from what's really going on by widening the scope to try and make this political or religious -- it's nether of those things. It's very basic relationship stuff. I hope that helps!

I know this tough for you, and he flew under the radar because you met him at work, where lots of people meet relationship partners, but you have the responsibility to take care of yourself, and if you want to date a married man, he's your guy. If you want to date a single man who is interested in marriage, then he's not. Don't try to distance yourself from what's really going on by widening the scope to try and make this political or religious -- it's nether of those things. It's very basic relationship stuff. I hope that helps!
April Masini is a relationship and etiquette expert, author of 4 books and the #1 relationship advice forum, blue-chip corporate spokesperson and preferred go-to source for the world’s most prominent media and news outlets.