Post first date?
I am 22 years old, gay. I met a really great guy about a month ago that I connected with instantly and had the best first date. He's 29. It was almost like soulmate chemistry and connection. I've never felt that so instantly with someone and I've been in a long term relationship. He lives in DC and I live about 4 hours from there. We met through social media, and talked for a few weeks. We really did not talk that much before the date. We have the best date, the type that started with coffee, led to dinner, and ended with us waking up together. He tells me "I've never met anyone like you" he then looked at me with a smile, and I asked "why are you smiling" and he said "your face just makes me smile." It was a great night and (yes we did hookup, but not all the way) but he was so into me, we connected and talked about things only each other got. We really got each other and he agreed. I can tell when a man doesn't like me. The next morning he texted me with a had a great time text. A week later after our date I was back in DC for a conference and he said he was busy and we would get together next time. We still talk off and on, but it's been two weeks since we last talked really. He will occasionally like a photo of mine here and there online, but it just seems to be dwindled to nothing now. How does it go from that connection and that date to nothing? Is it that we are not in the same city yet, I will be there all summer for an internship, or is it he is just really busy (he is looking for new jobs) ? It's been 2 weeks since we talked.