[Standard] Should I end my relationship with my boyfriend?
I am in a 10 month committed relationship with a 57 year old. He includes me in his life. We've gone on one vacation together. We've taken a few small trips together as well. I've met his family on more than one occasion. I have my daughter every Tuesday and Wednesday. When I'm not with my daughter I go to his house from Thursday through Tuesday. He usually visits me at my place every other Monday that I'm not down there. When I have my daughter over the weekend he doesn't typically come to see me on my Thursday off. He'd rather have his single time with his female friend Gayle or one of his other friends. I think Gayle is in love with him. When she is around sometimes she has said honey, sweetie or when leaving Love ya. He doesn't reveal his day with me in full detail unless I ask. I feel disconnected from him because he is so secretive and I don't even know if he's aware he's doing it. He doesn't even know that him being with Gayle so much bothers me. I just find it weird that he wouldn't want to spend Thursday's with me even if it was to meet somewhere. They have had sex previously but he told me that he couldn't be with her. She wasn't girlfriend material. She's constantly going to his place and now they are going to parties together. If I didn't ask today what he was up to he would have never told me they were at a party together. I've never asked him if they are still having sex together. He does text me and tell me he's thinking of me. Calls me cute names. Should I stay in this relationship or end it?