[Standard] Stuck in a loop
So about three years ago I dated this guy. I liked him for a while and eventually we got together. He was a good boyfriend but I ended things.I think I was too young and I was afraid, maybe? But over the years our paths have crossed a little bit but nothing major. However, recently we had started talking again and even made plans to see one another. I didn't expect much but that night we spent HOURs together and it just felt normal. It would have been nice to keep things that way and remain friends but things progressed. It all made me feel a certain way about him. I could have sworn he felt something too but he said he wasn't looking for a relationship. Which to be honest, I wasn't either. I don't know if that means he doesn't have any type of feeling at all. But I never told him how I felt either so how is he supposed to know how I feel? Now I feel like he's losing interest in me and the friendship entirely. A lot is going on in his life right now so he is very busy. I'm not sure if he's just very occupied with that or if he's just not too interested in moving forward with me in his life. So I'm wondering was it even a good idea to begin with to enter into each other's lives with all of the history we had? Should I give him his space as he is very busy or decide to walk away? I felt something with him and I feel as though we have something between us.I want him to be happy, even if it's not with me in his life. I still feel guilty for breaking his heart years ago. I feel like I let someone go that was very special years ago and now it's too late to bring back. But I'm scared of ruining this opportunity incase this is my redemption. I'm stuck.